The story of “A Heart on Paws”

Birth of a Mission

“Un Cœur sur Pattes” was created under the leadership of Virginie Dhiab, of French origin, driven by a clear and profound mission: to offer help and comfort to dogs and cats in distress in Tunisia.

This initiative was born from awareness of the suffering endured by stray animals, often victims of neglect, mistreatment, or even acts of cruelty.

Faced with these painful realities, Virginie was inspired to act, thus laying the first stone of what would become an association dedicated to the animal cause.

A Shelter for the Voiceless

At the heart of their actions is the “Un Cœur sur Pattes” shelter, a haven of peace where animals find care, affection and protection.

Each animal that the association welcomes is treated with the greatest attention, cared for by competent veterinarians and pampered by a dedicated team. But their work doesn't stop there.

The association is also committed to raising awareness in the local community of the importance of animal welfare, combating preconceived ideas and promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and animals.

A Call for Solidarity

The path traveled by “Un Cœur sur Pattes” testifies to their unwavering commitment, but also to the constant challenges that the association faces.

The resources needed to maintain and develop their actions are significant.

Every contribution, whether financial, material or in terms of time and expertise, makes a significant difference.

Discover the Solidarity Shop
  • Animal Rescue
    • Rescuing and protecting abandoned and mistreated animals, giving them a new chance.
  • Veterinary Care
    • Providing essential veterinary care to ensure the health and well-being of each animal.
  • Sensitization
    • Educate the public about animal welfare and promote respect for all lives.
  • Responsible Adoption
    • Find loving, permanent homes for our animals, promoting thoughtful adoptions.
  • Ongoing Support
    • Provide monitoring and ongoing assistance for adopted animals and their families.
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